I'm going to keep this brief! Have been into house since the late 80's when it began emerging from the underground scene into the more mainstream media. Those were the days of Sony Walkman's, double cassette decks and mix tapes you'd swap with your mates. It was also a good time for house and the early 90's saw it begin to splinter into many different styles such as garage, acid, techno and indie. My favourites tend to be the old skool sound of more vocal house and soulful funky Chicago numbers.
Bought a pair of bog standard mixing decks in 2002 and starting playing around with them. Hugely enjoyable yet surprisingly difficult, the creative aspect of starting off with a blank canvas and an idea for a mix and then seeing this through to a full set is a lot harder than it looks.
Distinguishing Features
5"10 height, 75kg weight, dark hair (soft and fluffy after shower, needs gentle coaxing otherwise), dark eyes, medium build (so everyone says but have appetite like a horse), scar on chin, meniscectomy on both knees to remove torn cartilage caused by clumsy Neanderthal footballer unable to cope with nimble mountain goat skipping past to score match winning goal.
First Class BSc (Honours) Information Systems Design, A levels, GCSE's, 200m school swimming certificate, several hundred hours watching Blockbusters and University Challenge. Roped into representing house for school quizzes.
Various digital / eCommerce roles in consulting, finance and banking. Spent Christmas 1990 working in Sound & Vision department of Boots. Early morning paper round in teens, chronic insomnia for rest of adult life.
I like running, swimming, cycling, trekking, climbing and anything else physically demanding.
Enjoy politics, history, current affairs, economics, writing, travelling, movies and of course, house music.
Interested in technology, watches, home theatre, mobiles, gadgets and cars. Tend to prefer brunettes to blondes and like the Great Outdoors, blue skies, strolls by the river, theatre visits, art galleries and museums.
Have tried skydiving that you can read about in the skydiving journal. Vaguely ambidextrous as long as it involves writing stuff nobody has to read. Endless energy, I'm restless, argumentative, impatient, always on the go and can never sit still for too long.